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Communications and Marketing

Residents will always be our priority. That’s what’s so good about working here, we stick to our values and put people first.

Alexandra Barker, Senior Communications and Marketing Officer

Communications and Marketing

Alexandra Barker, Senior Communications and Marketing Officer

Residents will always be our priority. That’s what’s so good about working here, we stick to our values and put people first.

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Communications and Marketing

Join our Communications and Marketing team and you could be involved in a wide range of internal and external communications. We support council departments, the Mayor and his executive by developing a variety of campaigns and delivering them across a mixture of different media. So, you could be involved in promoting the council’s facilities to generate income, advertising events and festivals or raising awareness of issues such as public health or recycling.

There’s never a dull moment - one minute you could be supporting a service area that needs to make changes and the next, you might be promoting a live cookery event in the city centre or informing council staff about a well-being event. Join us and you’ll discover a broad range of people with different skills and backgrounds. The one thing they share is a commitment to using their professional expertise to support and develop this great city.

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Our Communications and Marketing teams

Communications and Marketing

Join this team and you’ll be involved in providing strategic advice and support to every part of the council. This could involve supporting major council initiatives or developing and delivering corporate communication and marketing strategies. You may be involved in developing internal communications and advising on and supporting public consultations. Or you could contribute to the design, print, photography, media sales or media buying teams.

Community Languages

Join this small, in-house team and you’ll be playing an important role in ensuring everyone in Leicester gets the most from the council. Using your own specialist language skills, or managing our partnerships, you’ll help us to meet our legal obligations by translating and interpreting to support a range of council services. This may involve face-to-face interpretation for customer services or translating documents for the legal team.

Digital Media

As we offer more digital methods for people to contact the council and access our services, our main leicester.gov.uk website is becoming increasingly important. Join the digital media team and you’ll help to manage content for the site and run our corporate social media profiles. Using your digital expertise, you could also be involved in advising council departments on using other digital channels and tactics to improve service delivery.

Media and Public Relations

As a member of the media and public relations team, you could be dealing with a full range of media-related issues. This may involve handling and responding to media enquiries, issuing news releases and statements, or arranging media interviews and photographs. Alternatively, you might be overseeing the council’s media protocol or liaising with the media as part of major events, crisis management and emergencies.

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Focus on … Digital Media

The fast pace and real time nature of the digital world makes working in this team both challenging and exciting. Join us and you’ll often be dealing with sensitive information and having to think on your feet to understand both the legal consequences and the social impact of what you publish online. This includes responding to and managing crises, so it can be high-profile work.

Meet some of the team


Senior Communications and Marketing Officer

I’ve been part of the Marketing team for over a decade, working in different roles. And I’ve managed campaigns for some of the city’s biggest ever events, such as Richard III Reinternment, the Rugby World Cup and Leicester City’s Premiership Victory Parade. Knowing that you’re making your city a better place to live, work and visit makes it all worthwhile.

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Communications and Marketing in numbers

Website visits

website visits each month

Followers on Twitter

followers on X

Newsletter subscribers

subscribers to Your Leicester newsletter

Fans on Facebook

followers on Facebook

Online survey

public consultations and service user surveys supported each year

Current Communications vacancies

Here are just some of the vacancies that we currently have in Communications and Marketing. Simply, click on the job title to find out more.

You can see all the jobs we have available by clicking the ‘Search all jobs’ button. But don’t forget, if you can’t find your perfect job right now, you can 'Register for job alerts'. That way, we’ll get in touch when a relevant job does come up.

We're always pleased to hear from talented people, so if you have any questions about the opportunities that we have available, or if there's anything else you'd like to know before you apply (or indeed during the application process), please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Email the resourcing team